Reading: Our reader's workshop is in full swing. We have learned what independent read and buddy should look like and sound like. We've had lots of practice and are able to take full advantage of our reading time. Next week, we will be reading in small groups, conferencing with Mrs. Dahms and choosing a personal reading goal to work towards.
Writing: Next week we will celebrate our writing as 2nd graders with an Author's Celebration. We have been working on Reading Like a Writer- Gathering ideas from books we have read. We will chose a piece to publish, then revise and edit. It will be a wonderful celebration as 2nd grade authors. We will begin a unit writing Small Moments next (take a small moment from our life and turn it into a story using lots of details and voice.)
Math: We are concluding our first math unit: Numbers and Review. The test is on Monday. Everyone should have brought home a review for the test with sample questions. A review will be sent home before every test in 2nd grade. The reviews do not have to be returned to school. It's just for practice. The Homelink book was sent home for the first time this week. Please see the inside cover for a list Homelink procedures. The chart in the back of the book is for me to keep track of completed Homework. Thank you to all families for helping your child return the MRB books and Homelink books to school the next day! The MRB will not be sent home the rest of the year; however there is an interactive online version for all families to access at
Spelling: Unit 1 will start on Monday. You will see a Spelling sheet come home every Monday with the spelling pattern, a list of high frequency words to be memorized and then a word pattern sort your child should cut and sort at home (this does not need to be sent to school). There will not be list of words to study with the spelling pattern, rather kids should practice and learn the pattern so that he/she can apply it to create any word with the pattern. I will add several websites to the blog that will be great resources for studying the spelling patterns.
Science: We have experimenting with balance. Ask your child how he/she got a pencil to balance on a popsicle stick (tied a wire to pencil and used clothespins as counterweights) Ask your child to draw you a picture. We also created mobiles with paper clips, straws, rubber bands and notecards. It was a challenge to get the mobile to balance.
Social Studies: As a community of learners, we created our social contract. Here are the expectations we all agreed upon:
Attentive Listening (eyes and body on speaker, mouth closed)
Respect all teachers, students and materials
Use kind words: Please, Thank you, I'm sorry, You're welcome
Be Safe: Keep hands and body to yourself
Always try your best
*We all signed the contract and agreed to follow the contract even when nobody is watching!
*Thank you to all volunteers- I really appreciate anything you are able to do for our classroom!
*Our class filled the pebble jar last week (Pebbles are added when the class meets challenges, collectively follows directions or when students are "caught" using kind words or being good friends. The class earned the reward of snack outside. We had fun eating snack and reading the next chapter in The Magic Tree House book: Dark Day in the Deep Sea