Thursday, December 20, 2012

December 21- January 11

Hello Families! I wanted to thank all parents-who are all represented by the PTO- for the beautiful white rose as a thank you for caring for your little ones while they are away from you. I truly am honored to be their second grade teacher. It is absolutely my priviledge to be a part of their edcational journey. Thank you, thank you again!

As winter break was aproaching, the class has been working individually on being ready (for directions, having materials, moving to the next activity...) and also they have been working together to minimize the amount of interuptions throughout the day (talking instead of listening, making noises, being off task, shouting out...) We hope to carry our progress towards these goals into the New Year. I hope everyone enjoys their families to the fullest thsi holiday season! Have a wonderful winter break- I will see you in 2013.

MAP Testing Returns: Winter MAP testing will take place the week of January 7- check the January calendar for specific days and times. Please make sure your child is espcially well rested and eats a good breakfast. It would be great if you reinforced to your child that it is important that they try their best- show what you know!
ipads- While we use our 6 classroom ipads daily in small groups, we are now utilizing them even more as we learn the responsibilities and expectations for independent work during math and reader's workshop. I have a list of apps that we use in class on the right sidebar. I will continue to add to the list and we discover new ones for the classroom. Please let me know if you find one that you woudl recommend for second grade.
Typing Camp: We will begin to learn and practice typing skills. In January I will lead a Typing Camp daily for three weeks. A letter will be send home explaining the process and asking for parents to encourage your children to use proper finger placement at home too.
Ask Your Child:
What was the author's message in The Perfect Present?
What does parallel mean? Give an example of something in the world that is parallel (railroad tracks, notebook paper, bookshelves...)
How many conintenst are there?
Name 3 different land forms
Which countries did you visit this week in your travels learning about Holidays Around the World?
Important Dates
All School PJ and movie day has been rescheduled for Thursday January 3rd. The kids worked very hard to earn more than 2,800 PAW slips in 4 weeks. That is absolutely incredible! Congratulations!
Jan. 8- Waukesha Museum (bag lunch needed) 9:30-1:00pm
January 15- Nature Center 9-11am

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December 7-December 21

Hello Families!
Happy December! Here is our recent classroom news:
Double/Triple Digit Addition: Thank you for your support in helping your child practice adding multiple digit numbers. Use the homelink parent notes to help you understand how your child is learning how to add.
Wave Field Trip: We had a great time watching the Wave play and learning how to stay healthy. It was a wonderful opportunity that we all shared.
All School Incentive: As a school we have a weekly goal to meet a certain number of PAW slips. Last week we blew our goal of 200 out of the water with almost 900 PAW slips. So each calss earned an extra recess. Thsi week, our goal is 800 PAW slips. As a school, we are also charting the locations we earn our PAW slips. This data will help us focus on the areas we can increase both our positive behavior and be more on the lookout for positive behavior.
Ask Your Child:
What is a compass rose?
What is a map key?
What is the difference between fiction and nonfiction?
Can you retell the story your class is reading- Ready Freddy The Perfect Present?
What do you do during Buddy Read time?
Winter Party is on Fri. Dec. 21 at 11am
Help your child earn $1 to contirbute to a special gift

Friday, November 16, 2012

November 16-December 7

Hello Families!
As Thanksgiving approaches, we have been sharing what we are thankful for. I am thankful for so many things- including my class and their families! Thank yo for your ongoing support of your child and their learning. Thank you for your time and energy supporting the classroom through homework help, volunteering in the classroom, donating for parties, helping with home projects, reading with your child...thank you for being you!
Here are some important events/reminders:
Mrs Dahms' Store: The kids have been earning pennies for two months (exchanging for bigger coins at times) and FINALLY, the Mrs. Dahms store opened. The kids were able to use their earned money to buy items like pencils, small toys and coupons like "Bring a Stuffed Animal" for a day. An additional incentive for the kids is to save their money for a Dahms Dollar. Every every 100 cents saved, I will exchange for a Dahms Dollar. The first Dahms Dollar earned wins lunch in the classroom with Mrs. Dahms and a friend. The child also gets to spend the dollar in the store. It was a big hit this month!
Wave Field Trip: I am looking for 1 volunteer for the Wave Field trip on Wed. Dec. 5th (9:00-2:00). If there is a lot of interest, I will pick a name from a hat.
Holiday Book Order: Please consider ordering a book or two from the book order to help our classroom earn free books.
Stuff the Bus: Thank you for your generosity for this drive. Our school collected more food than our bins could hold!
Fabulous Fluency Friday: Every Friday one of our reading groups presents a Reader's Theatre script which they have been practicing throughout the week. The class will listen for great fluency and enjoy a new story in a fun way!
Ask Your Child:
How does an object get set in motion (a force)
How did you get paper cups to roll in a straight line?
Can you retell the class read aloud book- Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew- Thanksgiving Thief?
What is a constructed response?
Which book club are you in? Tell me what you know about your character.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November 2-November 16

Hello families! Our first quarter of second grade is almost complete. Report cards will be going home in 2 weeks. I am so proud of the growth every child has individually made already this year! I'm excited to continue learning and growing through the next 3 quarters.
Visiting Tonawanda Experts- we have been fortunate to have our school's reading specialist, Mrs. Gerhke, join our class for 4 lessons on retelling. The class practiced retelling the story The Snow Day starting with characters, setting, what kicks of the story, the events in order and how the story is tied together. Mrs. Olson, our school math specialist, came in to practice building our fact power. She will continue to visit our room to build fact fluency and demonstrate how to best write a constricted response in math..
Ye Olde School House- We had a great day traveling back at the Ye Olde Schoolhouse. Scroll down to see our photos
Kind Words Are Falling Out of Our Mouths- The kids successfully made all the Fall leaves fall from our tree by using kind words like "Are you okay?" "Please" 'Thank you" "Excuse Me"
Holiday Book Orders- In the next couple weeks, the second grade team will be sending home a stapled pack of scholastic books orders. In efforts to continue build up our classroom libraries, we are trying to collectively earn 7,000 bonus points to use towards free books. If we collect $350 in book orders as a second grade, we will earn the bonus points to share across our three classrooms.  Please consider taking advantage of the deeply discounted prices on books, maybe as holiday gifts, to help our classrooms earn free books.
Candy Donations- Thanks to a Tonawanda 3rd grader's great idea, our school was able to collect A LOT of candy to donate to the kids at Children's Hospital. Thank you to all kids and families for your generosity.
Stuff The Bus- Our district elementary schools are teaming together this year to donate non-perishable food items for the Stuff the Bus drive. We have made a district goal to donate 8,000 pounds of food. Donations will be accepted through November 16th.
Ask Your Child
What is the compliment giraffe?
Which 3 book characters are running for president in the classroom?
What is the title of the personal narrative (small moment) you published?
What are some of the strategies you can use to tackle tricky words?
The all school field trip slip and fee for our trip to see The Wave is due next week.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ye Olde School House

 1 room school house
 Boys Line- 3 helpers carrying in the firewood
Reciting the Pledge 
 Adding the wood to the stove
Filling the water pail 
 Pouring a drink of water
Ringing the bell 
 Eagerly awaiting our ink pens
 Using the ink pens
Playing "Where's My Birdie?" 
 Punishment #1- nose on the chalkboard
 Punishment #2- Tape braids to chalkboard
Punishment #3- Dunce Cap 
Happy Photo 
Serious Photo

Friday, October 5, 2012

October 5-October 19

Hello Families,
We have had a great beginning of October! We ended September completing our Catching Compliments incentive. We earned an extra recess for adding  20 baseballs to our catching compliments baseball glove. This group of kids takes care of each other's feelings and work well together. Now we are starting a new incentive with a Fall theme- Kind Words Are Falling Out of our Mouths. At the end of everyday, we will share any kind words we heard someone say to us. Check the right sidebar to see what we are learning in 2nd Grade. Have a fabulous weekend!

Conferences- I am looking forward to meeting with everyone in the next two weeks to talk about where your child is and how we are going to progress throughout the year. I did send home a brief survey for you to fill out and return before your scheduled conference time. I appreciate your time. The Book Fair will be open beginning next week. Our class will go to a preview session where your child will make a book wish list. This is a great opportunity to participate in a school fundraiser and help build your child's love for reading. You could have your child earn their book i.e. cleaning up their room everyday, following directions at school, starting their homework right away...
4th Grade Buddies-We met with our 4th grade buddies for the second time. Mrs. Schultz and I are so excited about the learning partnerships that have been created. Our 4th grade buddies have prepared a book talk- they practice reading a book and prepare questions for their 2nd grade buddies to answer. It has been wonderful for the second graders to hear what a 4th grade reader sounds like and how they talk about books. I have notice3d my second graders using the same language during buddy reading in our own readers workshop. It has been a great experience so far!
Math Facts- We took our first addition math facts 3 minutes timed test this week. Fact Power is very important for kids to develop. Therefore, I encourage you to have your child practice basic math facts several nights a week. An addition fact is defined as a 1 digit number plus another 1 digit number (ex 4+5 not 15+19)
Ask Your Child
What is a sum?
What does balance mean?
What are three different types of communities? (urban, suburban and rural)
What are some strategies you can use to figure out a tricky word in reading?
What is a personal narrative? (A true story about yourself)
*Ye Olde School House field trip slip and fee
*Conferences are coming- double check your calendar
Balancing a Pencil Trick

Thursday, September 20, 2012

1st Post of the Year

Hello Families!
Welcome to our second grade blog. Please bookmark this site so you can refer to it weekly throughout the entire school year.
Reading Bag: After reading for 20 minutes, please help your child fill in the reading log with the book title and place the completed book bag in his/her backpack. It is vital to our reading program that your child brings the book back to school every day. Thank you for your help.
Assignment Notebook: Please sign your child's assignment notebook every night. If your child forgets it at school, check the blog to see what the assignments for the day are (see right sidebar)
Homework: spelling and math homework have officially begun. You can expect your child to have math homework every night, Monday-Thursday, and a new spelling packet most every week. The spelling packet will always be due on Friday. Please help your child work on their 6 high frequency words throughout the week.
MAP Tests: Your child completed MAP testing (a standardized test taken on the computer). We took a Reading, Math and Language test.While it is only one tool, it gives me great information to meet each child's academic needs and help them flourish in second grade. You will receive results later this fall.
Surprise Reader- Every Friday at 12:00, a parent surprise reader comes in to read one of their child's favorite picture books from home. It is my goal to have every family represented- it could be mom, dad, cousin, grandparent... I am flexible if the time/day does not work for your schedule. Please let me know and we can make special arrangements. I included all the open Fridays in the email I sent "The Blog Is Updated".
Healthy Snack- please have your child help you choose a healthy snack to bring to school each day. School is hard work and we move at a fast pace. It is important for your child to be fueled with foods that will give them energy and mind power to do their best. Foods high in sugar will cause their energy to spike and then plummet. Thank you for your support.
Ask Your Child:
Which read aloud did the class just finish? (Pirates Past Noon- Magic Tree House)
Can you retell me the story?
A community is a place where people...(live work, play and make decisions)
Where do writers get ideas? (from people or animals they love, something they love to do, something that frightens them, a place they love)
What is the sum? (The answer to an addition problem)
Who is your 4th grade reading buddy?
Mark Your Calendar:
Ice Cream Social Fri. Sept. 28 5:30-7:30 (this the rescheduled date)
 Save Freddy- Groupwork Activity
 Our Communities

 School Theme: What I Am Is...

Friday, June 1, 2012

Last Post of 2nd Grade

Hello Families! The conclusion of 2nd grade is officially upon us. What a wonderful year it has been! Here are the final notes:
Reader's Theatre- All are invited to our very informal Reader's Theatre presentations in our classroom on Monday June 4th at 2:45pm.
Bag with Handles- I do not like to send the kids home with everything on the last day of school, so we will plan to clean out our desks on Wednesday June 6th. Please send a bag with handles (paper or reusable) to school with your child on or before Wed. Thank you!
End of the Year Party- Our party is scheduled for Thursday, June 7 from 1:30-2:30. All are welcome to join us! A big thank you to our room parents this year for all their hard work. We truly appreciate your time and effort this year! Thank you!
Field Day-Although it was chilly (I think I was the only one who noticed), we had a great morning at field day. The kids cooperated, showed good sportsmanship and had lots of fun! Here are some photos:
 Imaginary Bench

 Clothespin Tag
 Birds in a nest
 Memory Hunt
Sled races
Village Hall Field Trip- We got an inside look into our community services and descision making at Elm Grove's Village Hall. We first got see how decisions are made and by whom in the community. Then we got to see in ins and outs of the fire station. Lastly, we we were able to go inside a squad car and go behind the scenes of the police station. It was a great trip that helped make strong comnnections to our social studies units.

Friday, May 18, 2012

May 18- June 1st

Hello Families! This is the 2nd last blog posting of the year! I can not say enough how much I truly enjoyed teaching your children every single day! I miss them greatly next year! Read the right side bar to see what we are currently learning. Here are some highlights and important information:

Report Card Envelopes (note from Jackie)- If you would like your report card sent in the mail, please send to the office a SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED (stamps now cost .45 cents) envelope ONE PER STUDENT. Envelope size must be 4 (wide) x 91/2” (long) which is a #10 sized envelope. Please do not send any other sized envelope. Report cards will be mailed the week of June 11th.
Report cards will be available for pickup starting June 13th. Any questions please contact Jackie at 785-3950 or
Scholastic Orders-Our last book order of the year was due today. If you are still interested in ordering, you can either email me the book choices or order online at Passcode GQM3K
Art For Youth- We concluded our year in Art For Youth with a gallery of artwork throughout the year and reflections on our experiences. The kids completed an artwork scavenger hunt and enjoyed a small snack. Mrs. S and Mrs. M dedicated their time and efforts this year to put together fabulous lessons for our class. We extend to them a huge thank you!
MAP Testing- We completed the math and reading sessions for Spring. It was a successful 1st year of MAP testing in second grade. The district will send out reports to families.
Human Growth and Development- Second grade teachers will present the district's Human Growth and Development curriculum on Friday, May 25. This lesson includes vocabulary instruction related to male and female body parts. Boys and girls will be separated during this teaching. Curriculum materials are available to review at our school library, the public library, and at the central administrative offices. If you have any further questions about the content or the opt-out process, please contact me.
Mark Your Calendars
*Village Hall Field Trip- Thurs. May 24 (we will be back for lunch)
*Reader's Theatre- Mon. June 4th at 2:45
*End of the Year Party- Thurs. June 7 time is TBA
Ask Your Child
What are the 3 types of clouds (cumulus, stratus and cirrus)
What is the title of the fairy tale you are writing?
What is your favorite fairy you have read in class?
What is a product? (the answer to a multiplication fact)
Our "What Have Your Done Today To Make Yourself Proud" Incentive

Friday, May 4, 2012

May 4-18

May is here! We have a fun filled end of the year. Among field trips, field day, Art for Youth Gallery, Fine Arts Fair and an Author visit, we will be reading and writing fairy tales, studying weather, learning about citizenship and finishing up the year in math with some multiplication! June will be here before we know it!
Art For Youth: Mrs. McSorley facilitated our final classroom Art For Youth lesson in the classroom last week. We looked at some pieces by Paul Cezanne. Then we collaborated to create a piece of art with our desk table that showed collaboration.  We will conclude our Art For Youth curriculum with a Gallery this month.
Poetry Cafe: The Poetry Cafe is this coming Friday, May 11 at 2:45pm. All families are welcome. We will share our poetry adn what we have learned as readers and writers. You may take your child home after our Cafe. There should be enough time to beat the parent pick up and bus traffic. If your child is in Poetry Club, the Cafe on Wednesday will be very similar to the Cafe for our classroom. You are welcome to come to both, but you might want to choose one.
*Mike Thaler is coming on Monday- bring books to sign. If you ordered on Friday, I have them at school.
*Walking field trip to Sunset Playhouse is on Tuesday, May 8. Your child should bring a disposable bag lunch.
Ask Your Child:
Who is your favorite character from Sideways Stories from Wayside School?
How was Mouse and the Motorcycle the movie different from the book?
What is a fable?
What lesson did The Magic Fish teach?

Friday, April 20, 2012

April 20-May 4

Hello families! We are in the home stretch of second grade. I must admit, I am already feeling sad about letting this group go to third grade! While we only have a little time left, there is still so much learning to do! See the right sidebar to see what we are learning right now.
MAP testing- Please note the days will participate in the spring MAP tests. Try to avoid any appointments or early pick ups/late drop offs on these days- thank you!
*Tues May 15 9-10am
*Thurs. May 17 1:30-2:30pm
*Fri. May 18 11-12am
Author Visit- Mike Thalor, author of humorous children's books including the _____ from the Black Lagoon series, will be visiting our school on Mon. May 7. In the Friday folder, there is a information packet with an order sheet if you are interested in purchasing a book to be signed by the author.
Poem in my Pocket- The poem your child brought home in his/her reading bag is their one of their favorite poems. On Fri. Apr. 27, second grade will have Poem in My Pocket Day. The kids will all carry a copy of their poem in their pocket and wear a special sticker. Teachers will stop them in halls, lunchroom, playground, etc and ask the kids to read their poems. Please practice the poem with your child so he/she is ready to read the poem fluently on Friday.
Mark your calendars!
*Poetry Cafe- families are invited to attend our Poetry Cafe on Fri. May 4th at 2:45pm.
*First Stage Field Trip Tues. Apr. 24- bag lunch needed
*Family Fun Night- Fri Apr. 27 (see Friday folder and Ton webpage)
Ask Your Child
Why did you choose ________ poem as your favorite?
What is onomatopoeia?
How do you read a poem with good fluency? (line breaks, expression, read punctuation, rhythm)
What is the value of the 6 in 7,654? (600)
What can you do to help the Earth (turn off the lights when not in use, turn off the water when not in use, recycle at school, home and in the community)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 29-April 20

Hello Families! 4th quarter has officially begun. Report cards have been sent home today (Fri. March 30) Please make sure you check your child's folder for the reprt card and a field trip slip for two plays we are scheduled to see. Note the return date for the field trip is Thurs. April 5. Have a wonderful weekend and spring break.

Donations- we are out of glue sticks and pencils- thank you for any prior donations. If you are willing to donate either of these items, we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your help!

Facts Test- as a reminder, the emphasis on facts tests should be to build fact power (automaticity). The timed test is one tool to practice automaticity and measure progress. It is the goal for kids to automatically recall facts without counting. As long as the kids scopres are improving, the actual number score

Reading Job tickets- to manage guided reading group assignments, I sometimes give the kids a job ticket to remind them of their assignment. You may have seen them in your child's reading bag. The assignment I list on the ticket can be completed during readers workshop- I do give the kids a sufficient amount of time to do so. Please know that the job ticket does not have to be completed for homework.

Reading Bag Books- Most of the books sent home (other than Fridays) are books we are working on guided groups. It is important to our lesson that kids only read the pages/chapters assigned to them. Please encouarge your child to reread a chapter to you- look for new words to define to help build your child's vocabulary, talk about the plot, have your child share any questions he/she has as a reader, make predictions, retell...

Poetry notebooks-Your child will be bringing home a small memo pad to write poetry. Your child may use the notebook to make a list of ideas that might inspire a poem or they could even write poetry in the notebook. This memo pad shoudl be returned to school everyday. Keeping it in the reading bag might be a good idea.

Art For Youth- Beth's mom presented Art for Youth for the month of March. We learned about genre painting- a scene from everyday life. We examined Horace Pippin's The Domino Players (1943) and Paul Cezanne's The Cardplayers (1890-1892). We focused on compistion in both works- how artistis use color, arrange figures and objects to show mood, relationships and a glimpse of everyday life.

Ask Your Child-

What is the difference between area and perimeter?

What is the author's message in Big Al?

How are to, two and too different?
What does it mean to see with a poets eyes?

What is your class working on in the picture below?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

March 16-March 30

It feels like spring is here! With the warm weather comes energetic kids. So as a school, we are trying to channel the energy into positive behavior with an all school incentive. If a class earns a PAW slip in every area of school: hallway, bus line, bus, bathroom, cafeteria, classroom, morning line and playground, then that class can participate in an all school movie.
Please check the right sidebar to see what we are learning in each academic area.
Author's Celebration: We had a wonderful celebration on Monday. Thank you to all the parents who were able to join us and those who brought treats and materials. The kids had a great time sharing their animal reports.
Book Orders: March/April Scholastic orders are due today. You can submit orders through Saturday online. Scholastic has now released an app called Storia. It is a virtual bookshelf that comes with 5 free books. You can now buy scholastic books for your e reader.
Writing Captions: For our humor mini unit, we will be writing captions. I am asking families to check at home for a funny photo (or copy of a photo) of your child that would lend itself well to writing a funny caption underneath. Please send the photo to school by Tuesday March 20.
Tests Home: Look for Math Unit 8 Test and Social Studies Unit 7 test. The Science test should have come home on Wednesday. Math tests should be signed and returned. I will stamp/star the test and send it back home for you to keep. It is important to me that I know you see your child's test.
Math Homelinks- You have already noticed that some homelinks ask for your child to bring in boxes or find things in magazines to share at school. It is much appreciated when you are able to find things at home, but it is not manadatory. So please do not worry if your family can not fulfill that part of the homelink.
Ask Your Child:
Which PAW slips has your class earned for the all school incentive?
How many feet are in a yard?
What is one of the main problems in Mouse and a Motorcycle?
What should you do when you finish a test a school? (Check over your tests- make sure you didn't skip any problems and redo the problems to make sure you got the correct answer) We are having lots of kids skipping questions on tests, even kids who say they checked it over- yikes!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 2-16

Happy March! The end of winter is near! Although we have had a fairly mild winter, I can't wait to be outside in spring weather! Quarter 3 is off to a great start. I told some families at conferences that quarter 3 is a huge time of growth in second grade. They really start transitioning to more independent thinkers and learners in the classroom. Kids are ready to talk about books in more depth- summarizing and synthesizing, inferring, cause and effect, comparing and contrasting, examining author's purpose... As writer's kids more thoroughly understand that they are writing for a reader so spelling, plantation, word choice, organization...are all better understood as writers. In math will tackle more difficult concepts(fractions, multiplication, some division, problem solving) as well as revisit other concepts on a deeper level. I enjoy every single day with this group of kids! I am already beginning to be sad the year is coming to an end!
Please read What We Are Learning in Second Grade on the right sidebar.
Here is some classroom news:
Art For Youth-We learned about Cubism and artists who were influenced by this type of art. Henry Moore (mostly made sculptures) and Charles Alston both created cubist works of art. As artists, the second graders drew faces from different viewpoints with some elements of cubism- unrealistic proportions, straight lines and angles, broken and reassembled parts, multi dimensional, bold colors...
Hot Cocoa Party- Second earned a Hot Cocoa Party back in January for winning the Penny Drive. On Wednesday March 7, we will finally have our party. The Penny Drive committee (PTO) is asking that each child bring a 12oz ceramic mug for the hot cocoa party to save from trashing disposable cups. You may send the cup to school with your child anytime- before or on March 7th.
Author's Celebration: Mark your calendars for Friday March 9th at 2:30. We will be hosting families in our classroom for an Author's Celebration. Kids will share pieces of their animal reports as well as other nonfiction pieces we have published.
New Jobs in the Classroom: We added a couple new daily jobs in the classroom- Meteorologist, Joke Teller and Chair Person. Ask your child what role each job plays.
Ask Your Child
What is the numerator and the denominator in a fraction?
What is the most interesting fact your have learned for your animal report?
Can you summarize the book or a chapter in the book you brought home?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 17-March 2

Hello Families! We had an exciting week- Valentine's Party and the all school trip to see Willy Wonka. Both events were fabulous. Thank you to all the parent volunteers who helped with the party! Here are some important happenings in our classroom:
Service Project: Before we headed off to the middle school production of Willy Wonka on Wednesday, the entire school participated in a service project for local community shelters and rehabilitation centers in need of food. Each child decorated a lunch bag at the Valentine Party and saved a Valentine treat. Then we all formed a line to assemble lunches including ham and cheese sandwiches, carrots, oranges and pretzels. Tonawanda volunteers then delivered all the lunch bags to each facility for lunch that day. It was a wonderful feeling to help someone in need!
TGIF Journal: Thank you for writing back to your kids every week. We'll continue the weekly letters until the journals fill up.
Plants!: We had a great time when Boerner Botanical Gardens came to our classroom to teach us about Stir Fry Plants. We learned that we eat roots, stems, leaves and flowers. We've had a lot of fun "mowing" our lawns and watching them grow.
Animal Reports- a letter went home in Friday Folders today asking families to help their child find a picture of the animal they chose. The picture could be from the internet or a magazine. If you don't have access to a printer, I can help find a photo at school. Thanks!
Nonfiction Author's Celebration: Our class will host an author's celebration in the first couple weeks of March. We will share all of the nonfiction pieces we have written, highlighting the animal reports. We will begin writing our animal reports on Monday. It is hard to guess when we will be ready to present so I will let you know the exact date of the celebration as soon as I know.
No School Thurs and Fri
Conferences Wed evening, Thursday PM
Ask Your Child:
What is something plants can do that humans can not? (grow their own food)
Why do we read nonfiction? (to learn)
What does median mean?
Can you give me a summary of your day at school?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

February 3-February17

Hello Families! 3rd Quarter is off to a great start. February is a very busy month- Stir Fry Plants presentation, Willy Wonka, Valentine's Party. 100th Day of School, Dr. Seuss' birthday, conferences... Look at the right sidebar to see what we're learning in class in each subject.

1st place in the Penny Drive- 2nd grade donated the most money in the penny drive so we won a cocoa party for the grade level next Friday.
Math Facts Tests- This quarter, we will be taking both addition and subtraction timed tests every week. You will notice facts tests assigned as homework some days. Please have your child complete the rest of the test and return it to school. Your child's goal is 54 facts in 3 min for both addition and subtraction facts.
*Valentine Party is on Tuesday 2/14. We will exchange Valentines, enjoy treats and play games. I will send home a class list next week to help with Valentines.
*All School field trip to see Willy Wonka 2/15. All permission slips and fees were due today.
*Conferences - Feb. 22 and 23-No school for kids 2/23 and 2/24
Ask Your Child
*Can you retell the class read aloud The Mouse and the Motorcycle?
*Which Community Worker did you research for your slideshow?
*What are the steps in the life cycle of a Brassica plant?
*How are goods made and transported?
*What topic did you choose for your True/False book?

Saturday, January 21, 2012

January 20-February 3

Hello Families! 2nd Quarter has officially ended. The start of the new semester begins Tuesday. Look for report cards next week. We did complete MAP testing this week. The kids worked really hard to do their best. I was very proud of their effort! Look at the right sidebar to see an overview of what we are learning in each subject. Here is what we have been doing this week:
Art For Youth: Beth's mom taught us about Franz Marc and Paublo Picasso's modern art cubism and collage technique- lots of straight lines. We created our own versions with vibrant, colorful settings and clippings of animal photographs. Ask your child about their masterpiece. (See some examples below)
TGIF Journals: We will continue to write letters to parents every Friday into March. Some kids seem to be forgetting to check in with me and not finishing their letter. If your child's letter is not finished, please have him/her finish at home before you write back.
HELP!: We are almost out of pencils for the year! If you are willing to donate a pack to the classroom, we would greatly appreciate it.
Classroom Calendar: I have posted our classroom calendar at the bottom of this blog. Just scroll all the way down to see Surprise Readers, classroom activities/field trips, open volunteer opportunities. If you are interested in volunteering, you just need to click on the event-more details- click the title (i.e 2:45 Math Games) Erase Math games and put your name (ie 2:45 Nicki) Click Save- Make changes to this event only. The your name should appear on the calendar.
Ask Your Child:
*What does your brassica plant need to grow?
*What is the purpose of reading nonfiction?
*What is a good and how does it get transported?
*What is a noun?
*What book club are you a part of and what is the most interesting fact you have learned so far?
*What is the difference between tattling and reporting?
*Nature Center Field Trip Fri. Jan 27 9-11am- please help your child to dress in boots, gloves, hats and heavy coats for the weather.
*The All School Field Trip slip to see Willy Wonka is due on 2/3. There is a $2.50 fee (it is hard to catch on the permission slip)
*If you are attending a conference this winter, please return the orange slip sent home on Friday, confirming the date/time of the conference that was chosen for you.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 6-January 20

Hello Families! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year. Now that 2012 has begun, 2nd quarter is coming to a close very quickly- we are almost at the halfway point of second grade! Report cards will be sent home at the end of the month. We have learned so much already. I am so excited for all the wonderful learning experiences we will share the second half of the year! Here is what is happening in the classroom:
Typing: We just finished the explicit typing instruction- your child knows which fingers should be tapping which keys. Now we are working on increasing our speed, while maintaining accuracy. We will practice in the computer lab once a week. Please encourage your child to use the correct keys at home to help eliminate any old habits.

Reading Pilot: I am on a district committee piloting new reading materials (very exciting!) I am using the materials with my reading groups. Since the materials are borrowed, I can not label the books I send home with the kids, so it is very hard for me to keep track of the books. Please help your child return their reading book every day. I am currently missing 5 titles. Please double check for these books at home:

The Maple Thanksgiving
Shooting Star
Good Morning, Grandma
Soccer Sue

TGIF Journals: You will find a letter writing journal in your child's blue folder today. We will write letters to our parents in this journal every Friday for the next couple of months. We are asking that parents write back over the weekend in the exact friendly letter format. Please print so that the kids can read your letter independently at school. Enjoy reading your child's letter!

Flat Stanley: A yellow information sheet was sent home on Thurs. in home folders. The kids will be creating a flat version of themselves to send to a relative. We are asking that parents help their child chose a recipient and print the address, very neatly so that kids can copy it onto an envelope at school. We will provide the envelopes, but are asking parents to send a stamp. Thank you for your help! We can't wait to hear about the adventures our Flat selves take!

Penny Drive: We are collecting money for the Milwaukee Rescue Mission to feed men, women and children. Our grade level goal is $200. We are off to a great start!

Labeling Winter Gear: Now that winter has officially arrived, there are hats, boots, snowpants galore. We are finding lots of loose items that kids are not claiming or getting mixed up with others (especially black snowpants!). Please label your child's winter gear with their initials. Thank you!


Nature Center Field Trip- Fri. Jan. 27 9-11am

Ask Your Child:

What are the 5 parts of a Friendly Letter?

How many faces does a pyramid have?

Can you name 5 features of nonfiction texts?

What is a good?

What time is it?

Can you give me a summary of the read aloud Mrs. Dahms just finished- The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane?

What is a noun, verb and an adjective?