Friday, May 18, 2012

May 18- June 1st

Hello Families! This is the 2nd last blog posting of the year! I can not say enough how much I truly enjoyed teaching your children every single day! I miss them greatly next year! Read the right side bar to see what we are currently learning. Here are some highlights and important information:

Report Card Envelopes (note from Jackie)- If you would like your report card sent in the mail, please send to the office a SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED (stamps now cost .45 cents) envelope ONE PER STUDENT. Envelope size must be 4 (wide) x 91/2” (long) which is a #10 sized envelope. Please do not send any other sized envelope. Report cards will be mailed the week of June 11th.
Report cards will be available for pickup starting June 13th. Any questions please contact Jackie at 785-3950 or
Scholastic Orders-Our last book order of the year was due today. If you are still interested in ordering, you can either email me the book choices or order online at Passcode GQM3K
Art For Youth- We concluded our year in Art For Youth with a gallery of artwork throughout the year and reflections on our experiences. The kids completed an artwork scavenger hunt and enjoyed a small snack. Mrs. S and Mrs. M dedicated their time and efforts this year to put together fabulous lessons for our class. We extend to them a huge thank you!
MAP Testing- We completed the math and reading sessions for Spring. It was a successful 1st year of MAP testing in second grade. The district will send out reports to families.
Human Growth and Development- Second grade teachers will present the district's Human Growth and Development curriculum on Friday, May 25. This lesson includes vocabulary instruction related to male and female body parts. Boys and girls will be separated during this teaching. Curriculum materials are available to review at our school library, the public library, and at the central administrative offices. If you have any further questions about the content or the opt-out process, please contact me.
Mark Your Calendars
*Village Hall Field Trip- Thurs. May 24 (we will be back for lunch)
*Reader's Theatre- Mon. June 4th at 2:45
*End of the Year Party- Thurs. June 7 time is TBA
Ask Your Child
What are the 3 types of clouds (cumulus, stratus and cirrus)
What is the title of the fairy tale you are writing?
What is your favorite fairy you have read in class?
What is a product? (the answer to a multiplication fact)
Our "What Have Your Done Today To Make Yourself Proud" Incentive

Friday, May 4, 2012

May 4-18

May is here! We have a fun filled end of the year. Among field trips, field day, Art for Youth Gallery, Fine Arts Fair and an Author visit, we will be reading and writing fairy tales, studying weather, learning about citizenship and finishing up the year in math with some multiplication! June will be here before we know it!
Art For Youth: Mrs. McSorley facilitated our final classroom Art For Youth lesson in the classroom last week. We looked at some pieces by Paul Cezanne. Then we collaborated to create a piece of art with our desk table that showed collaboration.  We will conclude our Art For Youth curriculum with a Gallery this month.
Poetry Cafe: The Poetry Cafe is this coming Friday, May 11 at 2:45pm. All families are welcome. We will share our poetry adn what we have learned as readers and writers. You may take your child home after our Cafe. There should be enough time to beat the parent pick up and bus traffic. If your child is in Poetry Club, the Cafe on Wednesday will be very similar to the Cafe for our classroom. You are welcome to come to both, but you might want to choose one.
*Mike Thaler is coming on Monday- bring books to sign. If you ordered on Friday, I have them at school.
*Walking field trip to Sunset Playhouse is on Tuesday, May 8. Your child should bring a disposable bag lunch.
Ask Your Child:
Who is your favorite character from Sideways Stories from Wayside School?
How was Mouse and the Motorcycle the movie different from the book?
What is a fable?
What lesson did The Magic Fish teach?