Thursday, December 12, 2013

December 15- January 10

Hello Families! I hope everyone is staying warm- Brrrrr! While we have been indoors for more recesses than outdoors this month, this group of second graders has remained pretty focused (even though their bodies are a little squirrly!) Here are some important classroom notes:

The Quiltmaker's Gift: Our all school field trip to see The Quiltmaker's Gift will be the Tuesday we return from winter break. There is no fee for students, but I do need the permission slip signed a returned. I can take two chaperones with the class. The chaperone fee is $4.50. The first two interested parents to email me can join us!
*If you have not read the book, I HIGHLY recommend it! It is one of my very favorite children's books. It has a great message and beautiful illustrations!
Word Study: You will have noticed that this week's spelling list came home stapled to a word sort page. This is the word study sort your child will be working on in school that week. I told the kids that it is their choice how they use the page. They could cut and sort the words in many ways and play games like we do in school. Or they can just talk about the sort with someone at home- What do you notice? What patterns do you see? Nothing has to be returned to school.
TGIF Journals: Today in your child's BEE folder, you will see a packet of letter writing paper with a special letter from your child. Please write back to your child sometime this weekend (Refer to the inside cover for the Friendly Letter format the kids have learned). The kids will read their letters from you Monday morning privately. The TGIF letter writing project lasts about 4-5 weeks. Thank you for your support in this unit. Enjoy the letters from your kids!
Typing Camp: We have just finished our 2nd week of keyboarding! I am so impressed with the dedication and hard work the kids have shown! It is a very difficult task to use the correct finger to tap a key, especially when pecking with your index finger is so much faster for them right now! The kids are enjoying reading in the classroom tent that was set up to add to the camping atmosphere.
PJ Day: We are keeping our fingers crossed that our school earns a pajama day next Wednesday, December 18. If our school earns a total of 1,350 PAW slips, we earn the reward. In addition, the top two grade levels earn a hot cocoa party. Last Friday, Second grade was in the lead. I will keep you posted!
Ask Your Child:
What is the difference between fiction and nonfiction?
Can you name 3 Nonfiction features?
What do you put on the class Parking Lot?
Why is there a tent in your classroom?
What does persuade mean? "You wrote a letter to the character Mrs. LaRue to persuade her to either bring Ike home or leave him in Obedience school."
Can you name all the digits? (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)

Friday, November 22, 2013

November 22- December 13

Hello Families! It was wonderful to see you all at conferences. I truly enjoy spending time with families and sharing all the great things your kids are doing in school. It is remarkable how much they have grown just since September. I look forward to continuing this journey with them through June! Is it too early to be sentimental about letting them go in Spring? I will enjoy every day I have the privilege of being a part of their educational journey!
Feature Section: Kid Chat: We were helping kids in Burundi, Africa by collecting money at school. Whichever grade level brought in the most money, won a secret prize. Second grade raised enough money to earn third place. We were disappointed at first, but then we realized that we raised a lot of money for Burundi, Africa.We felt joyful that the people in Burundi would be happy to get money to go to school and make their life better.
Spelling Bee: We hosted our first second grade spelling Bee on Monday. I was so impressed with the class participation and the good sportsmanship from both the competitors as well as the audience. Congratulations to Lucy, our class champion and Alex our class Runner Up!
Dahms Dollar: Your child has been earning money for being responsible in second grade ie. completed homework, returning their book everyday, filling in their reading log and sometimes for doing extra jobs around the classroom.The kids can spend their money at the Mrs. Dahms store, which opens at the end of every month. However, I do offer an incentive for kids who choose to save their money. Whenever a student saves 100 cents, he/she earns a Dahms Dollar. For the first Dahms Dollar earned, the student can pick a friend and eat their lunch with Mrs. Dahms in the classroom. This dollar can also be spent at the Mrs. Dahms store. So essentially, the kids are receiving a bonus reward for saving up their money. The first Dahms Dollar earners were Sal, Ryan, Carson, Nick B, Lucy, Noah and Maya.
No New Spelling Words Thanksgiving Week- Enjoy time with family!
Ask Your Child:
What  is a Feelings Timeline?
Can you give me a summary of the story Thank You, Mr. Falker
What is an axel?
How do you get a paper cup to roll straight down a ramp?
Which book do you choose for your published book review?
Can you assign a character trait to each of the main characters in Gooseberry Park, the class read aloud? Characters: Stumpy, Kona, Murray and Gwendolyn

Friday, November 8, 2013

Feature Section: Kid Chat: (written by the class) Quarter 1 just ended...we were all wondering whose class would win the Tonawanda Tiger. The winning class is selected by pulling a class PAW slip out of a whole school bucket. The morning announcements came on; we were hoping that we would win. Suddenly...Dr. Kasmarick announced "The winning class is...Mrs. Dahms!" Yayyyyyyyy! We were jumping up and down and screaming so loud that the whole Pod could hear us. When Jack and Patrick walked in with the humongous champion tiger, we were proud and delighted. Everyone in the class was overjoyed!                

Awesome Sub Notes- It was such a wonderful feeling to walk in the classroom the day after being out for meetings to read a substitute note the began with "The kids were wonderful today!" The note later mentioned that the kids "were really awesome, hard workers and very helpful and polite to me." I was so proud of them! Yay for Mrs. Dahms' All Stars!
Mrs. Dahms Store Coupons: You may have seen your child bring home a coupon that looks like one in the picture below. These are purchased from Mrs. Dahms' Store. If you see a coupon, you can know that I have given the okay. Your child can choose to use the coupon anyday.



Growing Classroom Library: This is the big pile of books I was able to order for our classroom library for FREE with my bonus points thanks to your orders!

Personal Narratives: Your child brought home a bag of all the personal narratives he/she write during our unit. Included is the published piece and a graded checklist from me. I would have the published stories returned to school to put in our classroom library. I will make sure that the story gets returned home. Enjoy reading your child's writing!
Ask your Child:
What is a pictograph?
How did Charlotte's Web end?
What character trait could you use to describe one the character's you are reading about and why?
How did an axel help you roll discs down a ramp?
How should you sneeze to prevent spreading germs?

Sign up via the Tonawanda website for a conference slot.
Book Fair is open the week of conferences
Spelling Bee (Optional) Monday Nov. 18

Friday, October 25, 2013

October 25-November 8

Happy Fall to all! Here is our classroom news:
Word Work: We are rolling out Word Study next week. The first week will be routine focused. The second week will begin with differentiated, just right sorts your child complete based their individual assessment. In addition to weekly word study patterns, your child will get 6 high frequency words to study- these are individualized based on assessments. Any words your child missed will
Conferences: Parent Teacher Conferences are right around the corner as Quarter 1 comes to a close. You can sign up for your conference date and time on the Tonawanda website.
Sunset Playhouse Field Trip: We will go on our first field trip on Thursday October 31 to Sunset Playhouse. We will be walking so please send your child to school with a warm coat and possibly hats and gloves depending on the weather.
Fall Party: Our Fall Party was a huge success! Thank you to ALL parent volunteers who sent in items for the party, planned, prepared and/our chaperoned the party. The kids had a GREAT time. We did not get a chance as a class to say a BIG THANK YOU!

Ask Your Child:
Who are you getting to know in reading? (Which character?) What do you know about him/her? Why do you think that?
Retell your story using SWBS...Somebody, Wanted, But, So
How does an object get set in motion? (a force)
Name the similarities and differences in Twirlers and Zoomers. (Both spin...Zoomers are set in motion by hands spinning the zoomer in circles, twirlers are set in motion by gravity and air resistance)
What is happening in Charlotte's Web?
What is a 3 Star post It? How is it different than a 1 star Post It?
Please return the assessment envelope that your child's MAP scores were delivered in on Monday Oct/ 21st (I apologize for the delay in sending them home!)

Monday, October 14, 2013

October 11-25

Hello Families! We have had a great couple of weeks in second grade. Busy, but great. Here are some happenings and information for you:

Kid Chat: "Catching Complements"- We challenged ourselves to compliment our classmates. At the end of the day, we shared the compliments we received. Mrs. Dahms placed a baseball on the mitt everyday. Finally, when we reached 20, we earned an extra recess. (written, edited and revised by Mrs. Dahms' second graders)

Spelling Bee Date mix up!: On your October calendar, I put the spelling bee on October 18th. It is really scheduled for November 18th. This is an optional event. Your child can decide whether to participate or not. Here is the link to the spelling lists on the school website:
Field Trip Permission slip: In your child's BEE folder, you will find a new field trip form. The School district is sending one main field trip permission form home with all of our field trips for the year. Please fill out and return the form along with the one fee for all the field trips listed. Thank you!
Scholastic Book Orders: I apologize to all the families that placed a September order. I realized after I entered all the orders, I must never have clicked Submit. I realized a week later after the books hadn't arrived. So sorry for the wait.
I will send home the Oct./Nov catalog next week.
Mrs Dahms Store- It finally opened last week. The kids earn pennies throughout the week for complete homework, reading logs and bringing their books back to school. In addition, I will give out pennies when someone does a job for me or helps someone else with their job. The kids then exchange their pennies for nickels, dimes,  or quarters to shop at Mrs. Dahms store. Along with little things like pencils, sticker sheets, fun erasers, I sell coupons for things like "Show and Tell, "Bring a Stuffed Animal to School". If you see a coupon like this come home, then you know that your child bought it from the store and fulfill the coupon any day he/she chooses.
Our Fall Party will be on Oct. 24 11-11:45. This is a half day of school.
Oct. 25- No School
Oct. 31- Sunset Playhouse Field Trip AM
Ask Your Child:
What patterns do you see in your book character's behavior?
How much time has passed in this story?
What does your character want?
As a writer, can you give me an example of a story ending that is not exciting? Can you give
Tell me about one of the small moments you have written in class.
What is happening in Charlotte's Web?
What is a turn around fact?
Explain how you would solve this problem...Team A has 14 kids, Team B has 11. How many more kids are on Team A?

Friday, September 27, 2013

September 20- October 4

Hello Families! We have almost survived our first month of second grade together. I know I have told some parents, but it's worth saying again...This is a great group of second graders! It has been a wonderful start to a great year! Here are some classroom updates and news:

Book Bags and Logs- Your child should bring home their book bag and reading log EVERY day. The goal is for your child to bring home a Just Right Book (a book that he/she can read smoothly (with a talking voice), while also having to problem solve a couple words along the way-it may seem "easy" to you as you listen. You can support your child by talking about the book The book should be an independent level- your child should be successful reading it on their own. Books that are at their instructional level are read in class under my instruction and direction. Right now, the kids have been selecting their own Just Right Books. I am very aware that some kids are bringing home books that are too challenging. That will be an October goal for those kids. I am just beginning the daunting task of leveling my entire classroom library. This will help ensure kids are taking home the correct level to become better readers.
Surprise Reader- Thank you to our first 3 surprise readers- they kicked it off with great success. The kids were all surprised and super excited! Check the email I sent "Blog is Updated" for all the available dates.
Math Family Letter: You may remember that every math unit has an introductory Family Letter that is sent home before the unit begins. This letter is a wonderful reference tool for you to support your child at home. Please refer to this letter throughout the unit to check homelinks, extend learning and practice skills. You may want to keep this letter in the BEE folder (maybe in a sheet protector)
Writer's Tiny Notepads- you may have seen your child bring home a tiny memo pad. This memo pad is meant for them to collect ideas for writing. We are learning from authors that they get their ideas from their life and then jot them down to remember. So as writer's, I am encouraging the kids to bring their memo pads home to jot anything that inspires them to write a story. If they choose to bring it home, I ask that it be kept in their reading bag for safety:)
Water Bottles- Since we do not have a drinking fountain in our classroom, I encourage you to send a water bottle with a tight lid to school for your child to have in the classroom. I do ask that only clear WATER be brought into the classroom. Spills happen...water is an easy, non sticky clean up. Thank you!
Snacks- When helping your child pack a snack, please be aware that we are a Nut and Egg free classroom. Those items can be in the lunchroom, just not in our classroom. Thank you!
Flexible- It has been a great year of change in our school district from big changes like curriculum to small changes like homework routines. As I am trying new routines, I am realizing some things work and others do not. As I do make changes, I will keep you informed of those that directly affect homework routines and expectations. Thank you in advance for your understanding!
Ask Your Child
Who is your reading partner and what do you do during partner time?
What is a Small Moment?
Which reading strategy do use often? Which strategy are you trying to use more?
How many sounds can "ed" make at the end of a word? (3: "t", "d", "ed")
What is happening right now in Charlotte's Web? What is the main theme in the book? (Friendship)

Science: Balance the Pencil Trick

Friday, September 13, 2013

1st Post of the Year!

Hello Families! 
Welcome to our second grade blog. Please bookmark this site so you can refer to it weekly throughout the entire school year. 
Reading Bag: Your child will bring home a Just Right book and a red folder with their reading log in a special reading bag every night. The kids are currently choosing their Just Right Books without a lot of guidance from me. I help guide the kids a lot more in the next month. The goal is for them to chose a book independently without a lot of guidance from me.  After reading for 20 minutes, please help your child fill in the reading log with the book title and place the completed book bag in his/her backpack. It is vital to our reading program that your child brings the book back to school every day. Thank you for your help. *If your child is reading a Just Right book from home, it is ok for them not to read in the bag (unless otherwise noted i.e. a book club assignment)
Assignment Notebook: Please sign your child's assignment notebook every night. If your child forgets it at school, check the blog to see what the assignments for the day are (see right sidebar)
Homework: math homework will officially begin next week. You can expect your child to have math homework every night, Monday-Thursday, and 20 minutes of reading every night. As I mentioned at PIN, spelling and word study will begin in October. I will keep you informed on the new program, especially if there are homework expectations. 
MAP Tests: Your child will take the MAP test again in 2nd grade (a standardized test taken on the computer). We will take a Reading, Math and Language test. While it is only one tool, it gives me great information to meet each child's academic needs and help them flourish in second grade. You will receive results later this fall. 
Surprise Reader- Every Friday at 11:45, a parent surprise reader comes in to read one of their child's favorite picture books from home. It is my goal to have every family represented- it could be mom, dad, cousin, grandparent... I am flexible if the time/day does not work for your schedule. Please let me know and we can make special arrangements. I included all the open Fridays in the email I sent "The Blog Is Updated".
Healthy Snack- please have your child help you choose a healthy snack to bring to school each day. School is hard work and we move at a fast pace. It is important for your child to be fueled with foods that will give them energy and mind power to do their best. Foods high in sugar will cause their energy to spike and then plummet. Thank you for your support.
Ask Your Child:
Which read aloud did the class just finish? (Gooney Bird Greene)
How long is our class reading stamina? (22 minutes)
How do you know when an object is balanced? (it is stable, meaning it will wobble, but not tip over)
What does it mean to cooperate?
Cooperation: We have been talking and practicing what cooperation looks like and sounds like. Here are two of the activities we did in class:

#1 Puzzle Challenge

#2 Save Freddy
(ask your child what their goal was and why we did this activity)

Ask your child:

Friday, May 31, 2013

Final Post of 2012-2013

Thank you all for a wonderful year! It was my priviledge to be your child's second grade teacher. I wish you all the best as your children continue to grow and flourish. Have a Happy Summer!

Missing Books: Please check at home for the following titles:
Sam and the Lucky Money
George Washington
Rosa Parks
*Also missing from just last week: The Golden Fish Reader's Theatre and The Queen of the Jungle Reader's Theatre
Pizza Lunch: Your child earned a pizza lunch for improving on their math facts test- it is hosted by the second grade teachers. The party will be during lunch on Wednesday June 5th. We will provide the pizza and popsicles. We ask that each child bring in their own drink- milk will be available though school.
Kids are more than welcome to pass on the pizza/bring their own lunch and join us for the celebration.
Class Party: Our class party is scheduled for Friday, June 7th at 11am- all are welcome!
MAP: Your child's MAP scores are coming home today. Please go over the scores and celebrate your child's success this year!
Field Trip- Our field trip to Village Hall is rescheduled for Monday, June 3. Please send your child in comfortable shoes and with a portable snack- we'll eat our snack before walking back to school.
Field Day T-shirts: I am holding on to all field day t-shirts until Tuesday, June 4- the actual day. The kids can then change into their shirt that morning. I did confirm with the kids who has a t-shirt.
Reward- Special Breakfast: Our class met our goal in a school wide incentive. As a result, we earned a special breakfast on the morning of field day. The school is providing the breakfast.
Supplies coming Home: I have enough bags at school for the kids to pack up their supplies to bring home. I plan to have kids bring the majority of their supplies home on Wednesday. Please send a backpack with your child on the last day of school to collect the remaining supplies:)

Friday, May 17, 2013

May 17-May 31

Hello Families,
Our second grade year is almost complete. As we tie loose ends up, I am always amazed how truly far these 7 and 8 year olds come from September to June- it is truly remarkable. And yet just when we are in the groove of teaching and learning as a community, June arrives and they leave my room as third graders. (Then I get to start ALL over in September- haha) How quickly I forget and take for granted the independence that these kids have built throughout the year. I will truly miss each and everyone of my kiddos! Here are some important happenings in the classroom:
MAP Testing: MAP testing was a great success! I am SO proud of every student. Their effort and dedication to the test remarkable. In our 60 minute Reading period, only 5 students had finished when time was up- whereas the previous sessions only 1-2 had NOT finished at the end of 60 minutes. So our entire class actually went back for a 2nd session of reading to finish. The kids really focused and were close readers. I am excited to be able to share all the scores with you formally in the next coming weeks!
Human Growth and Development Lesson: Here is the standard lesson explanation from the district:

Second grade teachers will present the district's Human Growth and Development curriculum on May 24. This lesson includes vocabulary instruction related to male and female body parts. Boys and girls will be separated during this teaching. Curriculum materials are available to review at our school library. the public library and at the Central Administrative offices. If you have any further questions about the content or the opt-out process, please contact your child's classroom teacher.

Spelling- we have finished our formal instruction of spelling for the year! There will be no more tests or packets for homework. We will continue to learn about possessives and practice word work skills in class through the end of the year.
Village Hall Field Trip: Our walking field trip to Village Hall is the day after Memorial Day- Tuesday, May 28. Please send your child in walking shoes.  
End of the Year:
Surprise Reader: If you have not had a chance to be a Surprise Reader in our classroom this year, please consider coming any day of the week Mon-Thurs. at 12:00 to read a book to the class. I would LOVE for all kids to have a family member read to us this year. If 12:00 is not a good time, I am flexible on the time. Thank you!
Summer Birthdays: If your child has a summer birthday, please feel free to sen din a birthday treat anytime between now and the end of the year. I know how hard it is for summer birthdays, feeling left out on the school birthday traditions. :)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 3-May 17

Hello Families! We have been enjoying the spring weather! Here are some classroom happenings:

Poetry Cafe: We had a great turnout for our Cafe. Thank you for celebrating and snapping along with us. I am so proud of the work the kids did as authors and presenters. Here are some photos of our celebration:

Sunset Playhouse Field Trip- Our walking field trip was a huge success. While we had some tired legs after walking to and from in 70 degree (I heard "It's hot!" multiple times:), the kids overall had a great time. The play we saw was called Super! It had a wonderful message and gave kids great tools to use when dealing with a bully or someone who is unkind. Ask your kids to sing to you: "I am Super, Super- Duper!"

Pencils- Thank you! We collected enough pencils to make it through the rest of the year- thank you!
Scholastic Book Order- The orders are due Friday May 9th. This is the last order of the year. Think summer reading and take advantage of the low book prices.
MAP Testing Coming up!- Please note the dates that we will be MAP testing the next two weeks. The MAY calendar was sent home yesterday in your child's blue folder. Our first MAP testing is this Tuesday May 7 at 9am.
What I am is...Special-Our last school theme this year. We are focusing on what makes each of us special. In addition, school wide, we are starting a new incentive to earn PAW slips. For the first time, kids will be able to give other kids PAW slips for outstanding behavior. We will each set our own class goal. The classroom that reach their goal will earn a special breakfast the morning of field day.
Ask your child:
What happened to Edward Tulane at the end of the book?
What is the new class read aloud?
What is the value of 7 in the number 4, 370? (70)
What is your personal fact test goal?
What strategy will you use when taking the MAP test?

Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 12-26

Hello Families! We have been working hard since we returned from Spring Break. Here are some classroom happenings:

Ronald McDonald House Performance: What an amazing experience! The second graders proudly represented Tonawanda at the Ronald McDonald Groundbreaking of their new addition. The kids sand beautifully, moving the crowd with their words and voices. I heard numerous comments about the beautiful lyrics and the joy our second graders brought to everyone. It was an honor to be part of such a wonderful celebration.

High Interest Day- The kids are very excited about the opportunity to rotate to 3 different classes to learn something new at High Interest Day. Ask you child how their experience was today.
Poetry Cafe- Mark your calendars for Friday May 3 at 2:45- Families are welcome to come listen to all the wonderful poetry we have written!
Spring MAP Testing Schedule: Our final round of MAP testing is coming up. Here are our three dates:
Tues May 7-Reading 9 am
Wed. May 8- Math 11am
Tues. May 14- Language Arts 11am
Checking Our Work- As we get ready for third grade, I am concerned that kids continue to turn tests in with skipped problems even when I ask if they checked their work for accuracy and completeness. Please have your child practice checking their work every night with homelinks. It is an important skill to make routine.
Ask Your Child:
How has Edward changed in our class read aloud?
What is the difference between a want and a need?
What different types of poetic language have you learned about? Why do authors use those techniques?
How do you write $5.04 in dollar and cent notation?
What is the difference between a prefix and suffix?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

March 22-April 12

Hello Families! Happy Spring...? Despite the cold weather I hope the sunshine is brightening your days! Please read what we are learning in 2nd Grade the right sidebar. Here are some other important happenings in our room:

New Assignment Notebook in the Sidebar: I have added an extra week to the assignment notebook so that all assignments between blog posts will be listed. If your child ever forgets his/her assignment notebook, please check the blog for homework.
Nonfiction Celebration: Thank you to all families who were able to join us for our celebration last week Friday. The kids were super excited to be able to share all their hard work with an audience. Thank you again for the treats!
CLAW slips: I hope everyone was able to read the yellow information sheet on CLAW slips that came home on Wednesday. Our class is piloting the use of CLAW slips for every minor behavior that does not follow our 5 school rules. CLAW slips will be stapled in assignment notebooks- a parent should sign and then I will collect the slip the following morning for documentation. Every 4 CLAW slips results in an office referral and a call home.
What I am is...A Good Sport: Our school focus is being a good sport. I am so happy to say our group of second graders really exemplifies good sportsmanship. While other grade levels have to focus on what a good sport is, our second graders play fairly, take turns, accept each other's differences and use positive words. Yay second grade!
Classroom Community Incentive: We are working on walking silently in the halls- in a line.  The line part seems to be very difficult for this group. We are also working on eliminating disruptions in the classroom- noises, shouting out, talking when should be listening... So we are adding flower petals everyday that we successfully walk silently or have no disruptions. When the flower petals are all on, we will have a class reward.

Mrs. Dahms' Store: The kids earn pennies daily for returning homework, having a positive day and being helpful in the classroom. I encourage the kids to save up their pennies to earn a dollar. For every dollar earned, the kids get a Dahms Dollar to spend at my store, plus a bonus prize for earning the dollar:
1st Dahms Dollar: Lunch in the classroom with me and a friend
2nd Dahms Dollar: Free Magazine
3rd Dahms Dollar: My Computer Chair for the day
4th Dahms Dollar: Free Book $3 or less from the Scholastic Book Order
5th Dahms Dollar:

Friday, March 8, 2013

Hello Families!
Please see the right side margin for details of what we are learning in 2nd grade. Here are some other classroom happenings:
Animal Reports: The kids are finishing up their research and starting to revise, edit and then publish their research in their own magazine. We will share ALL of our published nonfiction pieces with families at our Nonfiction Author's Celebration on Friday March 15th at 2:45pm in our classroom. You are welcome to take your child home right after to avoid the parent pick up/buses at the end of the day. I am looking for a couple families willing to bring juice, treats or plates/napkins.
2 Post It's every night: I am asking the kids to write 2 thoughts from their reading every night (except weekends). This is a way for the kids to formally document their thinking as readers. I do check the kids in every morning and document if homework is incomplete, including post it notes.
MAP Scores and Other work: If you did not have a conference, I sent home your child's winter MAP scores along with some other work on Thursday in a big ziploc bag. Be sure look through all the fabulous work we have been doing!
Just Kidding: Our school Social Worker, Ms. Grube, came into our classroom to read a great story called Just Kidding. It is a great story about how hurtful words can be even we you say "Just Kidding". She gave us a good rule of thumb: Never tease about anyone's body. Also, we learned to read other's reactions and know when someone is not in the mood for kidding. In addition, we talked about using our words to let someone know that what they are saying is hurtful (otherwise, sometimes friends do not know they are being hurtful)
Botanical Gardens: Third time is a charm: we were finally able to make it to the Botanical Gardens on Thursday for Stir Fry Plants- our third scheduled date due to snowstorms! The kids seemed to enjoy the presentation on plants we eat. I was very proud of everyone for trying new foods- broccoli, bok choy, carrots, zucchini and pea pods. Look at our photos below.
Food Chain

Trying new veggies (plants)

Line for Seconds!

Ask Your Child:
What does our school focus for March mean? (What I am is a Good Sport)
Which fractions are equivalent to 1/2?
Which number is the numerator and which is the denominator?
Is your animal an herbivore, a carnivore or an omnivore?
Which class does your animal belong? (Mammal, reptile, bird, fish, amphibian)

100 Random of Acts of Kindness Bulletin Board

Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 22-March 8

Hello Families!
Please see the right side margin for details of what we are learning in 2nd grade. Here are some other classroom happenings:
Animal Reports: The kids will soon begin their final nonfiction study on animals . The kids will all conduct and write a research report. Everyone will use a variety of sources including books, magazines, ipad apps and websites. You will receive a letter this Friday asking for help finding pictures of the animal your child chose. We are looking forward to sharing all our hard work this unit with you at our Nonfiction Celebration!
Nonfiction Celebration: Mark your calendars for Friday March 15th at 2:45-3:30.
2 Post It's every night: I am asking the kids to write 2 thoughts from their reading every night (except weekends). This is a way for the kids to formally document their thinking as readers. I do check the kids in every morning and document if homework is incomplete, including post it notes.
Conferences and MAP Scores: Conferences begin this week on Wednesday evening and then continue Wednesday March 6th. If you have a conference scheduled, you will receive a parent questionnaire on Monday. I would really appreciate if you could return it by Wednesday.
Winter MAP scores will be sent home Friday and at Wednesday Feb. 27 conferences.
4th Grade Buddies: We have started a Dr. Seuss webquest with our buddies. We are learning about Dr. Seuss' life, reading a Dr. Seuss book with a message and discussing Dr. Seuss' style using alliteration. Each buddy group will create a Powerpoint Presentation to share their learning.
Ask Your Child:
What is your 2nd Book Club topic?
What does being a close reader mean?
How can you make sure you do not turn in a test with skipped answers?
What does empathy mean?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Februray 8-22

Happy February. Here are some new happenings and updates in the classroom:

Valentine's Party- Please note that our class party will be on Wednesday, February 13 at 2:30 instead of February 14. We will exchange Valentines at the party. A class list was sent home last week so kids can be sure to make a Valentine for everyone.
What I Am Is.....A Learner: This month our school wide focus is being a Learner. Our class especially is working on being Learners. It has been a difficult year thus far keeping academics in focus with disruptions throughout the day, everyday. We have had more conversations as a class and individually than I can count about attentively listening (eyes, ears and body), following directions the first time, doing what you are suppose to/making good choices, keeping silliness and silly comments at lunch and recess... Ask your child what being a learner means and what he/she can do to help our classroom of learners be more focused on learning.
New Behavior Management System- In partnership with being a Learner, I am trying a new system to help maximize learning in the classroom by decreasing the amount of disruptions we have. This new system charts any disruptions, rule breaking and missed learning as well as positive behaviors. You will automatically receive an email every Friday, but you have access to reports every day. Once you create a user name and password, you can log in at your convenience. Let me know if you have any questions.
Book Series- Your child brought home a packet on Friday that he/she worked on in January when studying a book series. This was a new, higher-level thinking study that second grade tried this year. All three of us teachers were very pleased with the "close reading" and book club conversations our second graders practiced! Please take time to look through the packet and have your child share the process.
Animal Reports- In the next couple weeks your second grader will begin a research project in school on an animal of their choice. It will be a lot of new and hard work! The kids will be using multiple source types to gather quality and credible information including books, magazines, videos and apps on the ipads and online articles and encyclopedias. We will have a celebration at the end of the unit in which families will be invited. I am aiming for the 1st week of March, but the kids progress will guide the timeline. I will keep you posted and get you the date ASAP.
2 Post Its- You probably noticed an addition to reading 20 minutes every night in your child's assignment notebook- now kids are expected to jot their thinking on 2 post its. In second grade, we want the kids to track their thinking every night on post its. We gave examples of possible thoughts your child can write on the back of the reading log located in your child's reading bag. Please use that as a reference if needed. Your child should keep the pad of post its in their reading bag everyday.
MAP Scores- Next week, you will receive a graph and description of your child's grown on the MAP test. This will be a great opportunity for you to talk about the graph with your child. I will also be helping the kids with goal setting using the graphs.
Ask Your Child:
*What is a biography?
*Which person in history did you study and publish a book about?
*What part of a plant makes its food?
*Did you mow grass at school? How? Why?
*What makes you proud at school?
*What is our school wide goal for PAW slips on the playground in 1 week?

Friday, January 25, 2013

January 25- February 8

Hello Families! I hope everyone is staying warm! Enjoy the photos from the Nature Center! Thank you to our parent volunteers! It was a great trip! Here is our classroom update:

February Field Trip- We will go the Botanical Gardens on February / See the permission slip in today's Friday folder for more details.
Subtraction Smarties- We started subtraction facts tests last week. Our end of the year goal is 54. As a class, most of us have much lower scores on our subtraction tests than addition. If you kept the fact triangles from past homelinks, those are ideal for practicing facts. It really shows kids the strong relationship between addition and subtraction. I encourage the kids to practice facts at home for 5 minutes several nights a week. Practice is the key to improvement.
Keyboarding: We are immersed in keyboarding. We will finish all the letters today. It is proven to be a very difficult skill that requires a lot of discipline and focus. It is much EASIER and FASTER for the kids to just use their pointer finger to type all the keys. I am really trying my best to encourage kids to go slow and practice using the correct keys. Taking short cuts now will hurt them as they grow as typers in third  grade...fourth..fifth.. You can help encourage your child when typing at home to use the correct fingers for each key.
Book Series: The class is doing an excellent job diving into a book series and analyzing characters and author choices. I have been impressed with their book club conversations. I think watching a video of our peers, from the Marley book series, talking in a book club really elevated the conversations.
TGIF Journal: Thank you for taking time to write a friendly letter to your child every weekend. This is our last letter. The kids have really enjoyed writing and reading letters with you.  
Ask Your Child:
Who is JJ in the class read aloud? What mystery is he trying to solve?
Show me how your fingers should look when they're "online" on a keyboard (home keys)
What are the 3 ways seeds travel? (wind, water, animal)
What are some patterns you have noticed across your book series?
What is the verb game?
On The Lookout For 100 Acts of Kindness- We started this new bulletin board in hopes of writing 100 clouds by the 100th day of school (early February) The kids are eager and on the lookout for kindness!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Hello families! Happy 2013! I hope everyone had a nice winter break with their second graders! Our first half of second is almost over. Time does fly. 3rd quarter begins on January 22nd- report cards will be sent home later that same week. We have come a long way since September. I'm looking forward to watching them continue to grow into third graders!
MAP: We completed our winter MAP testing in teh areas of Reading, Math and Language Arts. I was happy to see the class overall stay more focused and try their best. I saw a big difference in the times it took kids to complete the test- much longer times this session, which tells me the kids were really trying hard and rereading to understand questions.
Subtraction Smarties: is our new facts test incentive. The kids will be taking Subtraction facts test every Tuesday. For every point a student's score improves, he/she will get to color a section of a Smartie. When all 5 sections are colored, the student will earn a Smartie. Reminder; 2nd Grade expectation for math facts is 54 correct in 3 minutes- both addition and subtraction. Try practicing a little a weekly to help boost your child's fact power. You can use flash cards, timed tests, the websites I have listed in teh sidebar or some fact apps.
TGIF Journal: Thank you for writing a Friendly Letter back to your child in the TGIF Journal. We will be writing a letter to you every Friday until the journal is complete.
WHAT I AM IS...KIND: Our school wide focus this month is being kind. OUr school Penny Drive fits right in. In the classroom we have our own Bulletin Board: We Take CARE of each other's feelings so SNOW one gets hurt! In addition to being kind, our class is working on two goals:
1. Be Ready (ask your child what that means- there are lots of different examples)
2. Do the Right Thing (even when no one is watching)
Ask Your Child:
Which Series Book Club are you a part of?
Which book did Mrs. Dahms just finish reading to the class? Why do you think she chose that book?
Can you retell the story?
What did you do with your 4th grade buddy this week?
Tell me 3 interesting thinsg you learned at the Waukesha Historical Museum.
Nature Center field trip Tuesday 9-11am. Dress in winter gear- BOOTS!