Book Bags and Logs- Your child should bring home their book bag and reading log EVERY day. The goal is for your child to bring home a Just Right Book (a book that he/she can read smoothly (with a talking voice), while also having to problem solve a couple words along the way-it may seem "easy" to you as you listen. You can support your child by talking about the book The book should be an independent level- your child should be successful reading it on their own. Books that are at their instructional level are read in class under my instruction and direction. Right now, the kids have been selecting their own Just Right Books. I am very aware that some kids are bringing home books that are too challenging. That will be an October goal for those kids. I am just beginning the daunting task of leveling my entire classroom library. This will help ensure kids are taking home the correct level to become better readers.
Surprise Reader- Thank you to our first 3 surprise readers- they kicked it off with great success. The kids were all surprised and super excited! Check the email I sent "Blog is Updated" for all the available dates.
Math Family Letter: You may remember that every math unit has an introductory Family Letter that is sent home before the unit begins. This letter is a wonderful reference tool for you to support your child at home. Please refer to this letter throughout the unit to check homelinks, extend learning and practice skills. You may want to keep this letter in the BEE folder (maybe in a sheet protector)
Writer's Tiny Notepads- you may have seen your child bring home a tiny memo pad. This memo pad is meant for them to collect ideas for writing. We are learning from authors that they get their ideas from their life and then jot them down to remember. So as writer's, I am encouraging the kids to bring their memo pads home to jot anything that inspires them to write a story. If they choose to bring it home, I ask that it be kept in their reading bag for safety:)
Water Bottles- Since we do not have a drinking fountain in our classroom, I encourage you to send a water bottle with a tight lid to school for your child to have in the classroom. I do ask that only clear WATER be brought into the classroom. Spills happen...water is an easy, non sticky clean up. Thank you!
Snacks- When helping your child pack a snack, please be aware that we are a Nut and Egg free classroom. Those items can be in the lunchroom, just not in our classroom. Thank you!
Flexible- It has been a great year of change in our school district from big changes like curriculum to small changes like homework routines. As I am trying new routines, I am realizing some things work and others do not. As I do make changes, I will keep you informed of those that directly affect homework routines and expectations. Thank you in advance for your understanding!
Ask Your Child
Who is your reading partner and what do you do during partner time?
What is a Small Moment?
Which reading strategy do use often? Which strategy are you trying to use more?
How many sounds can "ed" make at the end of a word? (3: "t", "d", "ed")
What is happening right now in Charlotte's Web? What is the main theme in the book? (Friendship)
Science: Balance the Pencil Trick