Hello Families! I hope everyone is staying warm- Brrrrr! While we have been indoors for more recesses than outdoors this month, this group of second graders has remained pretty focused (even though their bodies are a little squirrly!) Here are some important classroom notes:
The Quiltmaker's Gift: Our all school field trip to see The Quiltmaker's Gift will be the Tuesday we return from winter break. There is no fee for students, but I do need the permission slip signed a returned. I can take two chaperones with the class. The chaperone fee is $4.50. The first two interested parents to email me can join us!
*If you have not read the book, I HIGHLY recommend it! It is one of my very favorite children's books. It has a great message and beautiful illustrations!
Word Study: You will have noticed that this week's spelling list came home stapled to a word sort page. This is the word study sort your child will be working on in school that week. I told the kids that it is their choice how they use the page. They could cut and sort the words in many ways and play games like we do in school. Or they can just talk about the sort with someone at home- What do you notice? What patterns do you see? Nothing has to be returned to school.
TGIF Journals: Today in your child's BEE folder, you will see a packet of letter writing paper with a special letter from your child. Please write back to your child sometime this weekend (Refer to the inside cover for the Friendly Letter format the kids have learned). The kids will read their letters from you Monday morning privately. The TGIF letter writing project lasts about 4-5 weeks. Thank you for your support in this unit. Enjoy the letters from your kids!
Typing Camp: We have just finished our 2nd week of keyboarding! I am so impressed with the dedication and hard work the kids have shown! It is a very difficult task to use the correct finger to tap a key, especially when pecking with your index finger is so much faster for them right now! The kids are enjoying reading in the classroom tent that was set up to add to the camping atmosphere.
PJ Day: We are keeping our fingers crossed that our school earns a pajama day next Wednesday, December 18. If our school earns a total of 1,350 PAW slips, we earn the reward. In addition, the top two grade levels earn a hot cocoa party. Last Friday, Second grade was in the lead. I will keep you posted!
Ask Your Child:
What is the difference between fiction and nonfiction?
Can you name 3 Nonfiction features?
What do you put on the class Parking Lot?
Why is there a tent in your classroom?
What does persuade mean? "You wrote a letter to the character Mrs. LaRue to persuade her to either bring Ike home or leave him in Obedience school."
Can you name all the digits? (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)