Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25-May 9

Happy Spring to everyone! It was a nice week back after break. A parent asked how the class adjusted being back to school and I was delighted to say that it was very smooth. Another example of what a great class it is! Your final class calendars were sent home today- I included both the May and June calendar together.
Our Class Incentive: Based on the book "How Full is Your Bucket?"

Kid Chat: Poem in My Pocket Day-Today was Poem in my Pocket day for all of second grade. Each second grader picked their favorite poem and shared it with students and teachers. Teachers were wearing a Poetry Police badge and pulled over any student wearing a sticker that said "Ask me to tell you the poem in my pocket." It was so exciting to read the poems we practiced to teachers and students.
Poetry Cafe- Our Poetry Cafe will be on Friday, May 16 at 2:45pm in our classroom. Families are all invited to join in our celebration. A invitation has sent home this week- it was a purple half sheet of paper.
Cafe Treats- If anyone is interested in provided small bakery treats or juice, please let me know. We will need 4 dozen bakery treats and 36 juice boxes.
Photo for Poetry- As noted on the Poetry Cafe invite sent home this week, I am asking families to send in a 4x6 photo that will inspire your child to write a poem. The photos will be attached the poetry. Please send to school by Fri. May 2.
Field Trip- Monday, May 12 our class will go on a field trip to First Stage downtown to see the play Nancy Drew. We will leave from school at 9:10 and return around 11:30. We will eat lunch at school per usual.
End of the Year Report Card-If you would like your child's report card to be mailed home at the end of the year, after school is out, please send in a self-addressed, stamped envelope to school before the end of the year. Otherwise, you are welcome to pick up the report card in the office at school during summer hours.
Final MAP testing of the year-Our final MAP testing will take place May 8, 14 and 15- see the MAY calendar sent home today for more details.
Ask Your Child-
What is the new class read aloud? What do you think of the main character. Tell me more about the book.
What was your Art For Youth project this week?
When writing 10 cents and 1 cent in dollar and cent notation- all the numbers are the same- what is the difference?
The class will begin Nonfiction Book Clubs next week- which topic will you study?
What is your favorite poem that you have written in class so far? Why?

Friday, April 4, 2014

April 4-April 25

Hello Families! Happy April! Third quarter has officially ended and fourth has begun! Third quarter has historically shown exceptional growth in students and this year is no different. Confidence and pride in work continues to grow- as a result, readers are taking off, responses are more thoughtful and complete, writers are sharing their voice in unique ways, mathematicians are thinking in multiple ways, growing stamina as problem solvers...more risks are being taken as learners in general. I'm so proud of all the hard work these second graders have done!
Poetry Cafe- we have started writing poetry- so much creativity, feeling and humor is present in our writer's workshop. It is so fun to see kid's personality and voice shine. We will celebrate the end of the poetry unit with a Poetry Cafe. All families will be invited. I am thinking it will be the second Friday in May (May 9th). I will solidify the date after spring break.
Photos- After spring break, I will be asking for families to help your child find a photo or two that inspires them to write a poem. It could be a favorite memory, a picture from dance, maybe just a flower, a tree house, an art project...The kids will be attaching the inspiring photo to a poem the write. You are welcome to send the photo(s) to school anytime.
Report Cards- these will be sent home on Tuesday, April 8. You will find the updated math facts sheet, as well as, a reading level guide to help support reading at home.
Ask Your Child-
Who is JJ? Tell me about him. (The main character in our new read aloud- The Trouble With Chickens)
What types of poems have you written?
What has inspired you to write about?
What are you working on as a school? (Walking silently in the hallway)
How do you know air takes up space? Prove it