Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 13th-March 27th

Hello Families! We are as busy as ever having fun learning as the end of quarter 3 is quickly approaching. Here is what we have been up to:

Writing: I hope that you have been hearing a little more about school through the TGIF Journals. We have finished our letter writing unit (you should have seen some letters some home last Friday). We are now writing How-to books. Our next authors celebration will be open to families to come and join us. We will plan that celebration for Friday March 27th at 11:15 (before lunch).

The Biography projects were a huge success! Thank you to families for helping your child research and develop a final project to share with the class. We are continuing to analyze text through connections we make, questioning, predicting, and visualizing. We will be discussing Main Idea and Details next week.
Spelling: As I mentioned before, we had a stretch of really difficult spelling patterns that kids struggled with. Remember that these spelling patterns are not expected to be mastered in second grade- just so the kids have a knowledge and foundation for the future. Please keep practicing with your child at home.

We just completed the Fraction Unit. I apologize for sending home the tests without recording them. I appreciate all the tests that were returned and thank you to the other families for looking! Fractions were definitely a difficult concept. A lot of the material was not expected to be mastered in second grade- it was more exposure. We are now using our knowledge of fractions to learn about measurement. Remember to check your child's answers on the home links using the key found in the parent letter.

Science: We took our Plant unit test this week. We will now begin our final unit on Air and Weather starting next week.

*Our Stellaluna field trip will be March 26. Remember to turn in the permission slip and $6 fee.
*Marcia Diane Arnold's (the author visiting our school in April) books are still for sale through PTO.
*No School March 30th
*Conferences will be March 31st, April 1st and April 3rd. Please turn in the blue conference forms- you will receive an extra reminder today if you have yet to turn it in.

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