Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 16-April 30

Hello Families! I hope everyone had a wonderful spring break! We are in the final stretch of the school year: quarter 4. We are working hard to learn everything a second grader needs to know. We are even talking about what it is like to be third graders- good listeners, read the directions very carefully, double check our own work, edit, being more responsible.

Reading: We started exploring poetry in reading. We are learning how to read poems using the author's clues like line breaks and bold words. Poetry is a outlet to practice good fluency-expression, rate, intonation. This past week we also made inferences about poems- what is happening in the poem that the text and pictures only hint at. The kids have been reading a lot of poems. Next week they will choose their favorite and practice...practice...ppractice for an upcoming school day 2nd grade calls Poem in My Pocket Day. The students will have their well practiced favorite poem in their pocket and teachers and other students will ask them to read their poem. It is a great way to practice fluency and speaking skills.
Writing: We have started our Poetry Unit (Mrs. Dahms' favorite writing unit because she is always amazed at how creative and imaginative the poems are that her second graders write!)We have started to look at the world through a poet's eyes-observing details and seeings things a different way. I continue to encourage the kids to bring their memo pads home and back to school so that they can jot down any notes for poems.
Math: We are finishing up Unit 10 this coming week: Place Value and Money. We have been doing a lot of shopping and making change in math. We've also learned how to represent money in dollar and cent notation- anything under 10 cents is still a little tricky- $0.05.
Science: We just started our Air and Weather unit. We explored air and discovered that it takes up space, we can feel it and it can move objects. We also learned that it is one of the three forms of matter: gas. Ask your child how he/she experimented with air.
Social Studies: We continue to study communities. Our field trip to the Ye Olde School House was so fun! We noticed the change from suburban to rural on the way to West Bend. I think the kids were taken aback when the teacher scolded them right when they got off the bus. Each child got a name tag with the name of a real student who attended the school a long time ago. This was their name the rest of the day. Ask your child what their name was and what was their favorite part of the trip.
Other News:
  • Conferences will be next week Monday and Wednesday.
  • The Book fair will be open Mon-Thurs of next week.
  • Poetry Cafe will be Fri May 5th at 2:45- Families are welcome

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