Pebble Jar Reward- Rest Time: We filled our pebble jar again! I tell you, this is a very motivated group of kids! The class chose rest time with pillows and blankets. We did this at the end of the day. It was fun and relaxing!
Dahms Dollar: I added a new incentive to the Mrs. Dahms store this year. I told the class at the beginning of the year that whoever saves enough class money to earn $1.00 would receive the Dahms Dollar and, as a bonus, I would buy them a new book from the scholastic catalogue. The kids can earn pennies for completed homework, helping others, bringing their reading bag back to school, following directions... I also open my store at the end of every month where the kids can use their money to buy items like pencils, stickers and small toys. So I thought this incentive would encourage kids to try and save their money over time to help better understand the value of saving your money.
Holiday Trivia: An information sheet came home on Thursday describing this optional activity that will be sent home everyday in December. It can be a fun way to search for information in books and on the Internet together as a family and learn something new too! Remember this is completely optional!
Math Facts Tests: We are moving on to subtraction facts tests next week. Every child's goal should be to improve their personal score by as many points as possible. In second grade, 53 facts in 3 minutes is the end of the year goal.
Making Roller Coasters: In science, we completed our Balance and Motion unit with a fun investigation of the rolling motion. In small groups, we created roller coasters with turns and loops. Then we tested our tracks with a marble. Every group built a successful roller coaster! Ask your child "Where did the marble need to start to make it to the end without a push?" (high) What force set the marble in motion? (gravity)
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