Thursday, May 8, 2014

May 9-May 23

Hello Families! There will only be one more blog post after this one! The end of the year is fast approaching. There is so much to do with so little time! The kids continue to work hard everyday and give their best!
Thank you SO much for the wonderful flowers, cards, treats and gifts this week. I appreciate all of you and your support!

Poetry CAFE: Friday, May 16 at 2:45- We are so excited to host our Poetry Cafe on Friday, May 16. We are still in need of 2 dozen small baked goods and 3 dozen juice boxes. Please let me know if you can donate either of these items.
First Stage Field Trip: We head to First Stage on Monday, May 12th to see the play Nancy Drew. We will return to school by lunch time.
MAP Testing Continues: We will finish up our testing this coming week
Wed.- Reading 9am
Thurs.- Language Arts 11am
Human Growth and Development: 
Second grade teachers will present the district's Human Growth and Development curriculum on May 30 (This is a date change from May 23 on your May calendar). This lesson includes vocabulary instruction related to male and female body parts. Boys and girls will be separated during this teaching. Curriculum materials are available to review at our school library, the public library and at the Central Administrative offices. If you have any further questions about the content or the opt-out process, please contact me.
Ask Your Child:
What was the class reward for filling buckets? Tell me more about bucket filling.
What is the new class incentive? (What have you done today to make you feel proud?)
What have you learned from your book club?
What topic do you hope to study in the next book club?
What do you like most about writing poetry?
What has been your favorite poem to write?
Mark Your Calendars: Fine Arts Faire Wed. May 28 6-8pm. The second graders will be preforming a special program in the music room at 6:15- please return the form, checking that your child will participate or not, by Friday May 16.

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