Saturday, January 31, 2009

January 30th Newsletter

Hello Families! Here is what we are learning in school:

Math: We just took our Unit 6 Test on Friday. The kids were so excited that they were learning multiplication and division. We will take our mid-year math test on Monday. Results will be sent home. I ask that you sign and return the test ASAP. Thank you. Please keep up the addition and subtraction fact studying at home. As you can see with the report card, the fact recall standard is pretty high. We will be taking mixed addition and subtraction 3 minute timed tests this quarter.

Reading: We have begun a change from literacy centers to more of a readers' workshop. Instead of visiting activity centers during reading, students are now spending more time reading and thinking about their reading during independent read, buddy read, reading groups and reader response rotations. We are focusing on How Readers Think When they Read. This past week we talked about questioning. Readers ask questions about illustrations, story events, what characters do, and the authors purpose.

Writing: We have officially begun our letter writing unit. Students will be writing a letter to you about their week at school in a notebook called TGIF (Thank Goodness It's Friday). I ask that you take time over the weekend to respond using the Friendly letter format your child is using and allow your child to read your letter. Please help your child return the notebook to school every Monday. Look for the notebook this Friday. We will be mailing our flat selves (inspired from the book Flat Stanley) to the address you sent to school along with the stamp. We are excited to see and hear about the place our flat self goes.

Science: Our Plant study is off to a great start. We planted brassica seeds ( a fast growing plant) and are observing and documenting their growth. Despite an accidental tipped tray, most of our plants are still growing strong. We have also planted grass that we have to mow as it grows taller. This week we will plant wheat seeds. Our scientists have done a great job caring for their plants and are very excited to observe the next stage of growth.

Friday Folders: There was a lot in your child's Friday folder. The most important pieces are the two field trip forms that need to be signed and returned to school. The Nature Center trip does not have a fee, however the trip to the Domes does include a fee.

Home Helpers: Please let me know (one more time) if you are interested in helping with gluing/cutting projects to do at home. I will make a Master list and rotate sending home the projects I have.

Reminders: Please send shoeboxes to school for our Valentine's day mailboxes.

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