Friday, February 7, 2014

February 14-28

Hello Families! Here are some important happenings in our classroom:
 Brassica Plant growth 
 Engaged in independent reading

100th Day of School challenge- As a class, we have been on the "lookout for 100 Random Acts of Kindness". Our goal is to reach 100 bay day 100 of school, which is Thursday, Feb. 13th. We are a little less than halfway to our goal. We'll see if we make it!
Field Trip Tuesday: We will be heading to the Nature Center on Tuesday, February 11, 9-11am. We will be spending app. 20 minutes outside if the weather allows. Please have your kids dress in cold weather gear- snowpants, boots, hats, gloves...
Valentines: Our Valentine Party will be on Valentine's day- Fri. Feb. 14th. We will be making bags for our Valentine's in class.
Subtraction- We have JUST begun working on double digit subtraction  we have used the number grid, base ten blocks and coins to represent tens and ones. We have also started to learn the Trade First Method (very similar to how we all learned as kids) Here is a link to a demonstration of how the Trade First method works:
Go to Algorithms in Everyday Math- Grade 2- Subtraction

Ask Your Child:
What is the new class read aloud? (The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane)
Why did you have to replant your grass in science?
What part of the plant makes the food? Bonus: what is that process called? (photosynthesis)
What is PebbleGo?
What are you writing about? What are the three writing projects your class is working on? (Community Helper Slideshows, Bet You Didn't Know Articles and True or False Books)

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